Dr. rer. nat. Florian Hinterwimmer
M.Sc. Biomedical Computing

Florian is a PhD student at the Institute for AI and Informatics in Medicine and working as a medical data scientist at the Clinic for Orthopaedics and Sports Orthopaedics at Klinikum rechts der Isar (TUM). In 2014 he graduated from OTH Regensburg in Medical Computer Sciences with focus on nuclear medicine and radiology. While working for 3.5 years as IT coordinator at the Central Institute of Translational Cancer Research of TUM (TranslaTUM), he also finished his Master of Science at TUM in Biomedical Computing with a focus on Deep Learning. His current research concentrates on machine learning for analysis and diagnosis of sarcoma and working with weakly labelled/unlabelled data.Abschlüsse
2019 | Biomedical Computing - MSc - Technical University of Munich |
2014 | Medical Informatics - BSc - OTH Regensburg |
Ongoing | Dr. rer. nat. - Technical University of Munich |
- data science in medicine
- data enineering
- analysis and diagnosis of sarcoma
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