Lehrstuhl für Medizinische Informatik
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Key journal publications
- M Schoenthaler, UA Fichtner, M Boeker, D Zoeller, H Binder, H-U Prokosch, F Praus, T Walther, M Glienke, P Horki, C Gratzke, E Farin-Glattacker.A nationwide registry for recurrent urolithiasis in the upper urinary tract–The RECUR study protocol. BMC Health Services Research 22 (1), 1-8. 2022
- J Scheer, A Volkert, N Brich, L Weinert, N Santhanam, M Krone, T Ganslandt, M Boeker, T Nagel. Visualization Techniques of Time-Oriented Data for the Comparison of Single Patients With Multiple Patients or Cohorts: Scoping Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (10), e38041. 2022
- A Vass, I Reinecke, M Boeker, H-U Prokosch, C Gulden. Availability of Structured Data Elements in Electronic Health Records for Supporting Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 290, 130-134. 2022
- S Schulz, M Boeker, A Prunotto. Validation of Multiple Path Translation for SNOMED CT Localisation. Studies in health technology and informatics 294, 961-962. 2022
- B Saravi, F Hassel, S Ülkümen, A Zink, V Shavlokhova, S Couillard-Despres, M Boeker, P Obid, G Michael Lang. Artificial intelligence-driven prediction modeling and decision making in spine surgery using hybrid machine learning models. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 (4), 509. 2022
- G Lichtner, C Spies, C Jurth, T Bienert, A Mueller, O Kumpf, V Piechotta, N Skoetz, M Nothacker, M Boeker, JJ Meerpohl, F von Dincklage. Design and implementation of a system for automated monitoring of adherence to evidenced-based clinical guideline recommendations. medRxiv. 2022
- P Strecker, M Boeker, S Buechner, R Scheible. Usability Evaluation of a Modern Multilingual MeSH Browser Advances in Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare, 37-40, 2022
- R Scheible, D Caliskan, P Fischer, F Thomczyk, S Zabka, H Schneider, M Boeker, S Schulz, H-U Prokosch, C Gulden. AHD2FHIR: A Tool for Mapping of Natural Language Annotations to Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources–A Technical Case Report. MEDINFO 2021: One World, One Health–Global Partnership for Digital Innovation 32-36. 2022
- I Leb, S Magnin, M Boeker, H-U Prokosch, E Ammenwerth, M Glöggler. Classification of Patient Portals Described in Evaluation Studies Using the TOPCOP Taxonomy. Healthcare of the Future 2022, 28-33. 2022
- G Lichtner, C Jurth, BS Alper, C Spies, M Boeker, JJ Meerpohl, F von Dincklage. Representation of evidence-based clinical practice guideline recommendations on FHIR. medRxiv. 2022
- D Fugmann, M Boeker, S Holsteg, N Steiner, J Prins, A Karger. A Systematic Review: The Effect of Cancer on the Divorce Rate. Frontiers in psychology 13. 2022
- R Scheible, P Strecker, S Yazijy, F Thomczyk, R Talpa, A Puhl, M Boeker. A Multilingual Browser Platform for Medical Subject Headings. Informatics and Technology in Clinical Care and Public Health 289, 384-387, 2022
- T Meurers, R Bild, KM Do, F Prasser. A scalable software solution for anonymizing high-dimensional biomedical data. GigaScience 10 (10), 2021
- R Bild, M Bialke, K Buckow, T Ganslandt, K Ihrig, R Jahns, A Merzweiler, S Roschka, B Schreiweis, S Stäubert, S Zenker, F Prasser. Towards a comprehensive and interoperable representation of consent-based data usage permissions in the German medical informatics initiative. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 2020
- J Eicher, R Bild, H Spengler, KA Kuhn, F Prasser. A comprehensive tool for creating and evaluating privacy-preserving biomedical prediction models. BMC medical informatics and decision making 20 (1), 1-14, 2020
- H Spengler, I Gatz, F Kohlmayer, KA Kuhn, F Prasser. Improving Data Quality in Medical Research: A Monitoring Architecture for Clinical and Translational Data Warehouses. 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 415-420, 2020
- H Spengler, C Lang, T Mahapatra, I Gatz, KA Kuhn, F Prasser. Enabling Agile Clinical and Translational Data Warehousing: Platform Development and Evaluation. JMIR Medical Informatics 8 (7), e15918, 2020
- F Prasser, J Eicher, H Spengler, R Bild, KA Kuhn. Flexible data anonymization using ARX—Current status and challenges ahead. Software: Practice and Experience 50 (7), 1277-1304, 2020
- LB Pape-Haugaard. Efficient Protection of Health Data from Sensitive Attribute Disclosure. Digital Personalized Health and Medicine: Proceedings of MIE 2020 270, 193, 2020
- R Bild, KA Kuhn, F Prasser. Better Safe than Sorry–Implementing Reliable Health Data Anonymization. Digital Personalized Health and Medicine, 68-72, 2020
- H Spengler, F Prasser. Protecting Biomedical Data Against Attribute Disclosure.. GMDS, 207-214, 2019
- F Prasser, H Spengler, R Bild, J Eicher, KA Kuhn. Privacy-enhancing ETL-processes for biomedical data. International journal of medical informatics 126, 72-81, 2019
- R Bild, KA Kuhn, F Prasser. SafePub: A Truthful Data Anonymization Algorithm With Strong Privacy Guarantees. Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol. 2018 (1), 67-87, 2018
- J Eicher, KA Kuhn, F Prasser. An experimental comparison of quality models for health data de-identification. MEDINFO 2017: Precision Healthcare through Informatics, 704-708, 2017
- M Brandizi, O Melnichuk, R Bild, F Kohlmayer, B Rodriguez-Castro, H Spengler, KA Kuhn, W Kuchinke, C Ohmann, T Mustonen, M Linden, T Nyrönen, I Lappalainen, A Brazma, U Sarkans. Orchestrating differential data access for translational research: a pilot implementation. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 17 (1), 1-14, 2017
- F Prasser, J Eicher, R Bild, H Spengler, KA Kuhn. A tool for optimizing de-identified health data for use in statistical classification. 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 169-174, 2017
- F Prasser, F Kohlmayer, H Spengler, KA Kuhn. A scalable and pragmatic method for the safe sharing of high-quality health data. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 22 (2), 611-622, 2017
- R Merino-Martinez, L Norlin, D van Enckevort, G Anton, S Schuffenhauer, K Silander, L Mook, P Holub, R Bild, M Swertz, J-E Litton. Toward global biobank integration by implementation of the minimum information about biobank data sharing (MIABIS 2.0 Core). Biopreservation and biobanking 14 (4), 298-306, 2016
- KA Kuhn, R Bild, G Anton, S Schuffenhauer, H Wichmann. Vernetzung von Biobanken großer europäischer Kohorten (EU-Projekt BBMRI-LPC). Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 59 (3), 385-389, 2016
- KA Kuhn, R Bild, G Anton, S Schuffenhauer, HE Wichmann. Connecting biobanks of large european cohorts (EU project BBMRI-LPC). Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz 59 (3), 385-389, 2016
- F Prasser, R Bild, J Eicher, H Spengler, F Kohlmayer, KA Kuhn. Lightning: Utility-Driven Anonymization of High-Dimensional Data. Trans. Data Priv. 9 (2), 161-185, 2016
- F Prasser, R Bild, KA Kuhn. A Generic Method for Assessing the Quality of De-Identified Health Data. MIE, 312-316, 2016
- K Kuhn, R Bild, H Spengler. BBMRI catalogue. Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics 5 (1), 1-2, 2015