Biostatistik und klinische Epidemiologie
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Key journal publications
- Holzmann-Littig C*, Frank T*, Schmaderer C, Braunisch MC, Renders L, Kranke P, Popp M, Seeber C, Fichtner F, Littig B, Carbajo-Lozoya J, Meerpohl JJ, Haller B*, Allwang C*, On Behalf Of The CEOsys Consortium. COVID-19 Vaccines: Fear of Side Effects among German Health Care Workers. Vaccines. 2022;10(5):689.
- Hapfelmeier, A., Hornung, R., & Haller, B. (2022). Sequential Permutation Testing of Random Forest Variable Importance Measures. arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.01284.
- Holzmann-Littig C*, Braunisch MC*, Kranke P, Popp M, Seeber C, Fichtner F, Littig B, Carbajo-Lozoya J, Allwang C, Frank T, Meerpohl JJ, Haller B*, Schmaderer C*. COVID-19 Vaccination Acceptance and Hesitancy among Healthcare Workers in Germany. Vaccines. 2021;9(7):777.
- Schneider, A., Rauscher, K., Kellerer, C., Linde, K., Kneissl, F., & Hapfelmeier, A. (2021). COVID-19 assessment in family practice—A clinical decision rule based on self-rated symptoms and contact history. NPJ Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 31(1), 1-6.
- Karapetyan, S., Schneider, A., Linde, K., Donnachie, E., & Hapfelmeier, A. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 infection and cardiovascular or pulmonary complications in ambulatory care: A risk assessment based on routine data. PloS one, 16(10), e0258914.
- Linde, K., Bergmaier, C., Torge, M., Barth, N., Schneider, A., & Hapfelmeier, A. (2021). The diversity of opinion among general practitioners regarding the threat and measures against COVID-19–Cross-sectional survey. European Journal of General Practice, 27(1), 176-183.
- Brand, K. J., Hapfelmeier, A., & Haller, B. (2021). A systematic review of subgroup analyses in randomised clinical trials in cardiovascular disease. Clinical Trials, 18(3), 351-360.
- Gasperi, C., Hapfelmeier, A., Daltrozzo, T., Schneider, A., Donnachie, E., & Hemmer, B. (2021). Systematic assessment of medical diagnoses preceding the first diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 96(24), e2977-e2988.
- •aller, B, Mansmann, U., Dobler, D., Ulm, K., & Hapfelmeier, A. (2020). Confidence interval estimation for the changepoint of treatment stratification in the presence of a qualitative covariate‐treatment interaction. Statistics in Medicine, 39(1), 70-96
- Haller B, Ulm K, Hapfelmeier A. A Simulation Study Comparing Different Statistical Approaches for the Identification of Predictive Biomarkers. Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2019;2019:7037230
- Haller B, Eckstein H‐H, Ringleb PA, Ulm K. Investigation of age‐treatment interaction in the SPACE trial using different statistical approaches. Journal of Applied Statistics 2019;46:1689‐1701
- Hapfelmeier, A., Gasperi, C., Donnachie, E., & Hemmer, B. (2019). A large case-control study on vaccination as risk factor for multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 93(9), e908-e916
- Boulesteix, A. L., Janitza, S., Hornung, R., Probst, P., Busen, H., & Hapfelmeier, A. (2019). Making complex prediction rules applicable for readers: current practice in random forest literature and recommendations. Biometrical Journal, 61(5), 1314-1328.
- Haller B, Ulm K. A simulation study on estimating biomarker–treatment interaction effects in randomized trials with prognostic variables. Trials 2018;19:128
- Pressler A, Jähnig A, Halle M, Haller B. Blood pressure response to maximal dynamic exercise testing in an athletic population. Journal of Hypertension 2018;36:1803‐1809
- Hapfelmeier, A., Ulm, K., & Haller, B. (2018). Subgroup identification by recursive segmentation. Journal of Applied Statistics, 45(15), 2864-2887.
- Klare P*, Haller B*, Wormbt S, Nötzel E, Hartmann D, Albert J, Hausmann J, Einwachter H, Weber A, Abdelhafez M, Schmid RM, von Delius S. Narrow‐band imaging vs. high definition white light for optical diagnosis of small colorectal polyps: a randomized multicenter trial. Endoscopy 2016;48:909‐915
- Haller B, Ulm K. Flexible simulation of competing risks data following prespecified subdistribution hazards. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2014;84:2557‐2576
- Pressler A*, Haller B*, Scherr J, Heitkamp D, Esefeld K, Boscheri A, Wolfarth B, Halle M. Association of body composition and left ventricular dimensions in elite athletes. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2012;19:1194‐1204
- Haller B, Schmidt G, Ulm K. Applying competing risks regression models: an overview. Lifetime Data Analysis 2013;19:33-58