Chair for AI in Medicine
Our interdisciplinary team from computer science, engineering and medicine develops algorithms and methods for the analysis and interpretation of biomedical data. In addition to the creation of new and pioneering approaches in the fields of data science, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), clinical translation for the improvement of medical care and thus for the concrete benefit of patients is another research focus of the chair.
The chair focuses on basic research in the areas of:
- AI for early detection, prediction and diagnosis of diseases
- AI for personalised interventions and therapies
- AI for the identification of new biomarkers and targets for therapy
- Safe, robust and interpretable AI approaches
- AI approaches for privacy
We are particularly interested in applications in medical imaging and radiology. One focus is neuroradiology, e.g. better understanding of brain development (in utero and ex utero) and improving diagnosis and stratification of patients with dementia, stroke and traumatic brain injury. In addition, applications for the detection and diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases and cancer are another research focus.